Archiproducts Milano: the Center of Architecture & Design event

Archiproducts Milano is the benchmark for all design and architecture brands looking to showcase new products, foster creativity, and share learning moments.

Warli, Fill Your Home With Love, and 3M did so with photo shoots, presentations, and workshops involving professionals, architects, and industry experts. 
Networking moments were dedicated to learning more about products—rugs, wallpapers, and innovative materials—interactively and engagingly in the spaces of Via Tortona 31.

These events were immersive experiences where Design was once again the protagonist.

Photography: Warli, Fill Your Home With Love, 3M

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    * Questi campi sono obbligatori.


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    Archipassport | Edilportale | Archiportale | 
    Archiproducts | Archilovers sono marchi registrati di Spa 


    Via Tortona 31
    Lunedì – Venerdì
    9:00 – 13:00
    14:00 – 18:00

    Copyright 2025 – Archiproducts Milano