Archiproducts Milano design takes center stage at Milano Music Week 2024

From November 18 to 24, Milano transforms into an incredible stage for Milano Music Week 2024, the event dedicated to the world of music and its key players.  
This year, Archiproducts Milano plays a central role, elevating some of the event’s most iconic locations: from the stages at the Dazi and Sala Viscontea at Castello Sforzesco to the backstage areas. 

Gaia, Italian Songwriter | Castello Sforzesco, Milano Music Week

“100 anni di radio. RTL 102.5, il sistema che evolve nel tempo”, Dazio Ponente, Milano Music Week

Archiproducts Milano furniture at Milano Music Week

The Milano Music Week 2024 showcased the design pieces from Aqua. A design exploration, the interior project of Archiproducts Milano. Some of the furnishings include the Pion stool by Sancal, with its sculptural and dynamic character, and the Palm Comfort A chairs by Parla, which combine style and comfort in spaces designed for relaxation.  
Illuminating the scenes were the LAMA lamps by Icone and the LỚP lamps by BằNG, offering reflections and transparencies that enhanced the stage design. Adding a design touch, the INDIA vases by Fornice Objects harmonized perfectly with the historic ambiance of Castello Sforzesco. 

Table lamp LỚP BIG SQUARE by BằNG | Dazio Ponente, Milano Music Week

Stools Pion by Sancal | Dazio Ponente, Milano Music Week

Table lamps LAMA by Icone | Castello Sforzesco, Milano Music Week

Design that elevates the experience

This collaboration is a tangible example of how design can enrich the visual and sensory storytelling of any event. It enhances both the performances and the audience’s experience, bringing the creative vision of Archiproducts Milano beyond the Tortona District.

Gaia, Italian Songwriter | Castello Sforzesco, Milano Music Week

“100 anni di radio. RTL 102.5, il sistema che evolve nel tempo”, Dazio Ponente, Milano Music Week

Decorative vase INDIA by Fornice Objects | Dazio Ponente, Milano Music Week

Dazio Ponente, Milano Music Week

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    Via Tortona 31
    Lunedì – Venerdì
    9:00 – 13:00
    14:00 – 18:00

    Copyright 2025 – Archiproducts Milano