Materials, Colours and Aesthetic Experimentations

A full immersion on the topic at Archiproducts Milano

30/03/2017 – The knowledge of the several materials is without any doubt a key element of design, both as for the shell of a structure and for its interior design. Finding new materials able to produce new and multi-faceted expressive languages means having a fundamental instrument to give identity to a project. The 2017 edition of Archiproducts Milano, “The Design Experience”, offers a full immersion on the topic with several new solutions which could be analysed in depth.

Cement resin, paints, aesthetic experimentations on marble and stone, three-dimensional surfaces, synthetic grass, recycled leather for acoustic insulation, new metal finishes, geometrical effects on wallpapers, spectacular coatings in aluminium chains up to the new trends in the field of textiles. From April 3rd all this will take shape in the new setting of the bulding at via Tortona 31 inside the rooms dedicated to home working, lighting, living and outdoor open to architects all the year round.

The revelation will appear before entering the building. The new total black look of the façade will show one of the solutions pertaining to colours and matters by Oikos: an environmentally friendly coating of compact materials made up of special silanized siloxane acrylic resins in water dispersion, which also meets the needs of thermal insulation and energy saving.

By looking up you can enjoy the new pattern of the façade, made on a design by Serena Confalonieri, with hundreds of very light anodized aluminium chains Kriskadecor and coloured in gold, black, pink-copper and silver.


The path inside starts from the ground floor at the Archiproducts Shop Touch Point. A charming industrial space made precious thanks to the interventions by Ideal Work, which renewed the flooring using the Architopcement-polymer system, and by Knauf, which provided the dry construction system for the false ceiling in plasterboard made by Vanoncini, one of the biggest specialised companies in Europe.

Here an ideal living space, furnished as a symbolic idea of home, will show the geometry with which Elisa Ossino has interpreted the vynil wallpaper by Texturae. The set will also show the new trends in the field of textiles: the brick-coloured velvet of the New York chair by Saba, which is proposed in a precious blue velvet on the upper floor, with the unprecedented combination of the copper-coloured structure; the powder pink of the façade pattern inside, with the new version of the Kelly C chair by Tacchini. All these colours are referred to on the Visioni B carpet by Patricia Urqiuola for cc-tapis and are perfectly matched with the lava stone and the new metal black, bronze and rust brownfinishes proposed by Desalto.


By turning the recycled natural leather coming from the footwear industry into noise-absorbing panels Buxkin will show how functionality can also meet aesthetic needs and find interesting solutions for wall and flooring coatings.

Ronel Jordaan adopts the same approach by proposing wool felt acoustic ornamental flowers.

Ronel Jordaan

It will not be easy to understand if the grass covering the terrace on the first floor is real or not. It will also not be easy to understand it even if the weather allows to walk barefoot! And it will be surprising to discover that beyond that natural softness there is the revolutionary Roofingreen patent: a single green mantle, identical to natural grass, which offers the advantages of an easy maintainance and durability of an industrial product.


The three-dimensional surfaces will almost be a leitmotif: from the textures in fiber-reinforced ceramic-plated mortar designed by Jacopo Cecchi for 3D Surface to the Wood-Skin ‘digital’ patent, a smart composite material with endless applications, going through the ‘Trame di Pietra’ (transl.: stone textures), micro-gravings on marble and stone able to create very fine worked surfaces as textiles.

3D Surface


Marble is also used in furniture, combined sometimes with natural wood, sometimes with metal. It is one of the materials chosen for the remake of the Marcel table, designed in 1974 by the Japanese master Kazuhide Takahama for Billiani.

Natural wood is a common element to all rooms of the building: from the collections of the Australian brand SP01 through the working spaces created by True Design with a Scandinavian-brand mood, but which is completely made in Italy, to the furniture by Ms&Wood.

Save the date! From April 3rd at Archiproducts Milano, via Tortona 31.

True Design

Saba Italia

cc tapis

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